Thank you very much St. Ack.
It sounds like we have to create other filer.

On 05/12/2011 08:07 PM, Stack wrote:
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 6:42 AM, Iulia Zidaru<>  wrote:

Thank you for your answer St. Ack.
Yes, both coordinates are the same. It is impossible for the filter to
decide that a value is old. I still don't understand why the HBase server
has both values or how long does it keep both.
Well its hard to 'overwrite' if one value is in the memstore and the
other is out on the filesystem.

It'll do the clean up on major compaction.

The fiilter should be able to pick up ordering hints from its context;
its just not doing it.

The same thing happens if
puts have different timestamps.

With the filter you mean?  I'd think the filter should distingush these.

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