On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Joe Pallas <joseph.pal...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi St.Ack.  Here is the sense in which the book leads a new user to the route 
> that Mike (and I) took.  It seems to say this:
> <paraphrase>
> You have a choice.  You can download the source for the append branch of 
> hadoop and build it yourself from scratch, which will take who knows how long 
> and require additional tools and may not work on your preferred development 
> platform (see <http://search-hadoop.com/m/8Efvi1EEiaf>, which says "Building 
> sucks"), or you can take this shortcut that seems to work, but has no 
> guarantees.  What you cannot do is find a pre-built release of the append 
> branch anywhere for you to just download and use.  Your call.
> </paraphrase>
> Now, maybe that isn't the message you actually intend.

Its not.  In particular, the "...which will take who knows how long
and require additional tools and may not work on your preferred
development platform" bit.  Michael Noll has written up a nicely
detailed instruction on how to build the append branch.  Its cited up
front in our doc.  Is it not helpful?  I'd think that readers would
give this posting more credence than a "Building sucks" comment made
by our Ryan, HBase's (proud!) Statler and Waldorf combined [1].

The 'shortcut' will work its just that folks normally go the opposite
direction to that of your Michael; they copy their cluster's hadoop
jars into hbase rather than hbase's hadoop jar to the cluster.  I'm
guessing that Michael went this route because he would avoid CDH?
(Is that right?)

> Would it be some sort of horrible Apache faux pas for the HBase project to 
> distribute its own release of the version of Hadoop that is required by HBase?

This came up recently over in hadoop.  HBasers were pitching to host a
build of the append branch over in hbase-land.  It was found that if
we did such a thing, we'd have to call it something other than Hadoop;
only  Hadoop can host Hadoop releases.  We didn't want to add yet more
confusion to an already torturous landscape so we passed on it.

> Because the Hadoop project isn't likely to do it, apparently, and, if I 
>understand correctly, HBase is not going to work anytime soon with the next 
>Hadoop release that has append support.  So this is not a problem that is 
>going to fix itself.

HBase will work with the next Hadoop release, 0.22.0, when it comes
out [2].  The current state of things is temporary (I believe).  Sorry
for the inconvenience.

Thanks for the above input.  Our hadoop section needs updating now
there are yet more versions afoot.  The above will help when we recast
this section.


1.  http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Statler_and_Waldorf
2. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-2233

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