You can update existing data through manually triggering compaction. After you 
make a change like this, go to the hbase shell and execute:

  major_compaction 'yourtablename'

After major compaction all of the store files for the table will abide the most 
recent schema settings.
Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein (via 
Tom White)

----- Original Message -----
> From: Weiwei Xiong <>
> To:
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday, July 8, 2011 6:02 PM
> Subject: Enable BLOOMFILTER on existing tables
> Hi all,
> I want to enable the bloomfilter on some existing tables to speed-up row-key
> existence checking.  I altered the BLOOMFILTER from "NONE" to 
> "ROW" for this
> purpose.
> But one think I am not clear is, will the setting change also take effect on
> pre-existing rows? Or only rows to be inserted in future get the BLOOMFILTER
> property?
> If bloomfilter change won't be applied to existing rows, is there any other
> way to speed up the row-key existence checking?
> Thanks,
> ww

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