At this small size (the 100 or so activities) it is unlikely to make much
sense to have indexes and such.  Simply reading the entire set of activities
into memory, adding new ones and writing out the simplest format possible is
probably as fast as any other implementation.

Indexes are useful to avoid reading unnecessary data from disk.  In this
case, you are going to have all of the information in memory already anyway
so you might as well save the space and avoid the indexes.

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Hiller, Dean x66079 <> wrote:

> Our main processing is we have 10,000,000 activities come in and each one
> we want to just pass a DTO to the primary node with that account which is
> then responsible for pairing that activity.  We have millions of accounts
> and about 126 activities per account so we would like to have mini-databases
> so to speak in that each account has it's own indexes for activities, and a
> few other tables(around 6) and all these get modified when an activity comes
> into the account.  Any ideas appreciated.

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