My guess is that it needs to ask the master for the regions so it can
make the splits used by mapper tasks (to find master, needs to ask zk,
etc.).  Check it out yourself under the mapreduce package?


On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Andre Reiter <> wrote:
> Hi Ted,
> thanks for the reply,
> at the moment i'm hust wondering, why the client creates a zookeeper
> connection at all
> all the client has to do, is to schedule a MR job, which is done by
> connecting to the jobtracker and to provide all the needed stuff, config,
> some extra resources in the distributed cache etc...
> but what is the reasen for creating a zookeeper connection by the client?
> andre
> Ted Yu wrote:
>> This seems to be cdh related.
>>>> either the map HConnectionManager.HBASE_INSTANCES does not contain the
>> connection for the current config
>> You need to pass the same conf object.
>> In trunk, I added the following:
>>   public static void deleteStaleConnection(HConnection connection) {
>> See
>> Last resort is:
>>   public static void deleteAllConnections(boolean stopProxy) {
>> Cheers

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