The RegionObserver already wraps all of the scanner operations. 
RegionObserver.preScannerOpen can create an InternalScanner and return it 
exactly as you propose with "HRegionServer.addScanner(InternalScanner) ". 

preScannerOpen takes a Scan object.

Only if preScannerOpen does not return an InternalScanner will the RegionServer 
look for a "real" InternalScanner.

So I don't see what addScanner would buy you.

Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein (via 
Tom White)

>From: lars hofhansl <>
>To: "" <>
>Sent: Monday, August 8, 2011 5:38 PM
>Subject: Allow RegionCoprocessorEnvironment to register custom scanners?
>Currently coprocessors can't do any streaming operations.
>I think that would be a necessary feature to perform long running operations 
>on the server (like scans) that in turn could produce a lot of data.
>GroupBy type aggregates come to mind, but there are many more cases.
>Somewhere I read about some approach for server side cursors (can't find that 
>discussion now).
>I think a simpler approach would be allowing a coprocessor to register new 
>InternalScanners that it could implement,
>and then have some way of accessing the scanner via the normal ClientScanner 
>Maybe by just exposing  long HRegionServer.addScanner(InternalScanner) through 
>and adding  public ResultScanner getScanner(long scannerId) ... on HTable, and 
>similar on all other clients (I don't know anything about the client beside 
>the HTable Java client).
>Or something similar (just making this up here).
>That way all major parts are already in place (Client Scanners are good in 
>performing caching, the coprocessor could just wrap "real" internal scanners, 
>etc). The problem is just about how to wire up the parts.
>Thoughts? Are questions like this better asked on the dev list?
>-- Lars

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