Thanks for the overview. It's helpful. Can you also help me understand
why 2 region servers for the same row keys can't be running on the
nodes where blocks are being replicated? I am assuming all the
logs/HFiles etc are already being replicated so if one region server
fails other region server is still taking reads/writes.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Ian Varley <> wrote:
> Mohit,
> Yeah, those are great places to go and learn.
> To fill in a bit more on this topic: "partition-tolerance" usually refers to 
> the idea that you could have a complete disconnection between N sets of 
> machines in your data center, but still be taking writes and serving reads 
> from all the servers. Some "NoSQL" databases can do this (to a degree), but 
> HBase cannot; the master and ZK quorum must be accessible from any machine 
> that's up and running the cluster.
> Individual machines can go down, as J-D said, and the master will reassign 
> those regions to another region server. So, imagine you had a network switch 
> fail that disconnected 10 machines in a 20-machine cluster; you wouldn't have 
> 2 baby 10-machine clusters, like you might with some other software; you'd 
> just have 10 machines "down" (and probably a significant interruption while 
> the master replays logs on the remaining 10). That would also require that 
> the underlying HDFS cluster (assuming it's on the same machines) was keeping 
> replicas of the blocks on different racks (which it does by default), 
> otherwise there's no hope.
> HBase makes this trade-off intentionally, because in real-world scenarios, 
> there aren't too many cases where a true network partition would be survived 
> by the rest of your stack, either (e.g. imagine a case where application 
> servers can't access a relational database server because of a partition; 
> you're just down). The focus of HBase fault tolerance is recovering from 
> isolated machine failures, not the collapse of your infrastructure.
> Ian
> On Dec 2, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Jean-Daniel Cryans wrote:
> Get the HBase book:
> And/Or read the Bigtable paper.
> J-D
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Mohit Anchlia <> wrote:
> Where can I read more on this specific subject?
> Based on your answer I have more questions, but I want to read more
> specific information about how it works and why it's designed that
> way.
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Jean-Daniel Cryans <> 
> wrote:
> No, data is only served by one region server (even if it resides on
> multiple data nodes). If it dies, clients need to wait for the log
> replay and region reassignment.
> J-D
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Mohit Anchlia <> wrote:
> Why is HBase consisdered high in consistency and that it gives up
> parition tolerance? My understanding is that failure of one data node
> still doesn't impact client as they would re-adjust the list of
> available data nodes.

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