Ok... Just my random thoughts...
There definitely is overhead in HBase that doesn't exist when you are doing 
direct access against a hive table. 4 to 5 times slower? I'd question how you 
tuned your HBase.

Having said that, I would imagine that there are still some potential 
improvements that could be done on hive to work better w HBase.
Also why LZO and not Snappy?

Sent from a remote device. Please excuse any typos...

Mike Segel

On Dec 21, 2011, at 1:14 AM, Bruce Bian <weidong....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> After I read these two posts on the mailing list
> http://search-hadoop.com/m/nVaw59rFlY1/Performance+between+Hive+queries+vs.+Hive+over+HBase+queries&subj=Performance+between+Hive+queries+vs+Hive+over+HBase+queries
> http://search-hadoop.com/m/X1rzQ1QDSaf2/Hive%252BHBase+performance+is+much+poorer+than+Hive%252BHDFS&subj=Hive+HBase+performance+is+much+poorer+than+Hive+HDFS
> Seems like a 4~5X performance downgrade of Hive/HBase vs Hive/HDFS is
> expected due to hbase built another layer on top of HDFS. If this is the
> issue here, is it possible to bypass the HBase layer to read the HFiles
> stored on HDFS directly?
> Another possibility maybe the fact that for the same table, the storage is
> much larger in HBase(around 5X in my test case, both uncompressed)than in
> Hive, as hbase stores each KV pair for one column which causes the key to
> be repeated several times. But after I tried compress the Hbase table using
> LZO(now nearly the same as in hive uncompressed table), there's no
> performance gain for queries like select count(*) from xtable;
> Is there anyone working on this?Not sure whether I should put this post to
> Hive's mailing list but there seems to be no progress on issues like
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-1231
> Regards,
> Bruce

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