What version of hbase did you use ?

Can you post the stack trace for the exception ?


On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:37 AM, T Vinod Gupta <tvi...@readypulse.com> wrote:

> I am badly stuck and can't find a way out. i want to change my rowkey
> schema while copying data from 1 table to another. but a map reduce job to
> do this won't work because of large row sizes (responseTooLarge errors). so
> i am left with a 2 steps processing of exporting to hdfs files and
> importing from them to the 2nd table. so i wrote a custom exporter that
> changes the rowkey to newRowKey when doing context.write(newRowKey,
> result). but when i import these new files into new table, it doesnt work
> due to this exception in put - "The row in the recently added ... doesn't
> match the original one ....".
> is there no way out for me? please help
> thanks

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