
FYI. I've been doing some tests mixing zookeeperclient/server versions
onhbase trunk, by executing medium category unit tests with a standalone
zookeeper server (Mixing versions 3.3 & 3.4 is officially supported by
Zookeeper, but was worth checking)

I tested:
Zookeeper Server server 3.3.4 and 3.4.2
Zookeeper Client API 3.3.4 and 3.4.2 (with some changes in hbase to make it
build with 3.3 API).

Client 3.4.2 --> Server 3.4.2
Client 3.3.4 --> Server 3.4.2
Client 3.3.4 --> Server 3.3.4
Client 3.4.2 --> Server 3.3.4

- It works, except of course if you're activating secure login (the related
unit tests will hang).
- I had a strange random error with the 3.3.4 server (whatever the client
version), but it seems to be linked only to the start/stop phase (zookeeper
server surviving to a stop request).
- It's difficult from the client to know what's the zookeeper server
version. A zookeeper jira was created for this (ZOOKEEPER-1381)
- if you use a 3.4.2 feature like "multi" on a 3.3 server, it hangs: once
again, it's up to the developer/administrator to make sure he's not using
something specific to the 3.4 server, hence the jira 1381 if we want stuff
like warnings or implementations optimized for a given server.



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