Thanks for your apply. I didn't read it carefully.


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Doug Meil <> wrote:
> Hi there-
> You might want to see this in the Ref Guide.
> "A region with an empty start key
>       is the first region in a table.  If region has both an empty start
> and an empty end key, its the only region in the table"
> On 3/5/12 7:27 AM, "yonghu" <> wrote:
>>My HBase version is 0.90.2 and installed in pseudo mode. I have
>>successfully inserted two tuples in the 'test' table.
>>hbase(main):005:0> scan 'test'
>>ROW                        COLUMN+CELL
>> jim                       column=course:english,
>>timestamp=1330949116240, value=1.3
>> tom                       column=course:english,
>>timestamp=1330949141314, value=1.5
>>2 row(s) in 0.0440 seconds
>>But when I issued scan 'META.' command, the output is as follows
>>hbase(main):004:0> scan '.META.'
>>ROW                        COLUMN+CELL
>> test,,1330949037296.78209 column=info:regioninfo,
>>timestamp=1330949037572, value=REGION => {NAME =>
>> 59e66aaca7a4a1e736937cdba
>>'test,,1330949037296.7820959e66aaca7a4a1e736937cdba89.', STARTKEY =>
>> 89.                        ENDKEY => '', ENCODED =>
>>7820959e66aaca7a4a1e736937cdba89, TABLE => {{NA
>>                           ME => 'test', FAMILIES => [{NAME =>
>>'course', BLOOMFILTER => 'NONE', REPL
>>                           ICATION_SCOPE => '0', COMPRESSION =>
>>'NONE', VERSIONS => '3', TTL => '214
>>                           7483647', BLOCKSIZE => '65536', IN_MEMORY
>>=> 'false', BLOCKCACHE => 'true
>>                           '}]}}
>> test,,1330949037296.78209 column=info:server,
>>timestamp=1330949037730, value=huyong-laptop:60020
>> 59e66aaca7a4a1e736937cdba
>> 89.
>> test,,1330949037296.78209 column=info:serverstartcode,
>>timestamp=1330949037730, value=1330944724819
>> 59e66aaca7a4a1e736937cdba
>> 89.
>>1 row(s) in 0.0310 seconds
>>My question is that why the startkey and endkey fields are empty? As
>>you see, the test table has two tuples.

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