I guess you are looking to run it as a background daemon instead.

Just do: "bin/hbase-daemon start rest"

On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 2:17 PM, mahdi negahi <negahi.ma...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Stack
> when I run the following command
> ./bin/hbase rest start
> the execution hang(stop) on this line
> 12/03/09 00:21:27 INFO mortbay.log: Started SocketConnector@
>  and I cannot run any command until terminate it (Ctrl + C), when I click 
> Ctrl + C, I saw these line
> 12/03/10 02:29:49 INFO mortbay.log: Shutdown hook executinget
> the following picture show my problem
> http://postimage.org/image/y6lo8zj6n/
> From: negahi.ma...@hotmail.com
> To: user@hbase.apache.org
> Subject: Problem in start Hbase Rest Server
> Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 13:16:46 +0800
>  Dear All Friends
> I install Hbase in standalone mode in my laptop (Ubuntu 11.10) . I want to 
> use Restful API to programming. So I read this link :
> http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Hbase/Stargate
> so when I run the following command : ./bin/hbase rest start
> the command execution stop at last line as shown below:
> 12/03/09 00:21:26 INFO util.VersionInfo: HBase 0.92.0
> 12/03/09 00:21:26 INFO util.VersionInfo: Subversion 
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/branches/0.92 -r 1231986
> 12/03/09 00:21:26 INFO util.VersionInfo: Compiled by jenkins on Mon Jan 16 
> 13:16:35 UTC 2012
> 12/03/09 00:21:27 INFO jvm.JvmMetrics: Initializing JVM Metrics with 
> processName=rest, sessionId=main
> 12/03/09 00:21:27 INFO hbase.metrics: new MBeanInfo
> 12/03/09 00:21:27 INFO mortbay.log: Logging to 
> org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter(org.mortbay.log) via 
> org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog
> 12/03/09 00:21:27 INFO mortbay.log: jetty-6.1.26
> 12/03/09 00:21:27 INFO mortbay.log: Started SocketConnector@
> what is my problem, please advice me!

Harsh J

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