On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Bryan Beaudreault
<bbeaudrea...@hubspot.com> wrote:
> I imagine it isn't a great idea to create a ton of scans
> (1 for each row), which is the only way I can think to do the above with
> what we have.

You want to step through some set of rows in lock-step?  That is, get
first N on row A, then first N on row B, etc., then when that is done,
go back and step through next N on A, B, and so on?

(Pardon me if I'm being a bit thick -- its early here)

I know of no way to do this other than as you suggest -- a scanner per
row (not too bad given your rows are wide) or what about a scan to do
first N, then a new scan to do next N... would that work?


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