Thanks for the tip Doug. Does that boost come largely from the HDFS

On 5/2/12 7:52 PM, "Doug Meil" <> wrote:

>re:  "with lackluster performance for random reads"
>You want to be on CDH3u3 for sure if you want to boost random read
>On 5/2/12 5:29 PM, "Paul Mackles" <> wrote:
>>I think the answer to this is "no", but I am hoping someone with more
>>experience can confirm thisÅ  we are on hbase 0.90.4 (from cdh3u2). Some
>>of our storefiles have grown into the 3-4GB range (we have 100GB max
>>region size). Ignoring compactions, do large storefiles like this have a
>>negative impact on random reads? We only recently started doing a large
>>number of random gets so I have no history to go on in terms of
>>correlating storefile size with lackluster performance for random reads.

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