thank you for your input.

I've been doing it exactly that way. Jars appear in the classpath
without problems.
But I am unable to transfer hbase-site.xml to the mapper's classpath.

So now I will try adding hbase-site.xml to the CP hadoop-env.sh.

The addDependencyJars mechanism does not work for xml files :(

2012/5/9 Harsh J <ha...@cloudera.com>:
> Could you share your whole stack trace?
> How do you launch your HBase+MR job? The ideal way is to simply do:
> HADOOP_CLASSPATH=`hbase classpath` hadoop jar <hbase job jar> <args>
> And this will take care of hbase-site.xml location appearing in the
> classpath as well. If you're using a package-installed environment,
> ensure /etc/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml is populated with the right
> settings and if not, make such a file and:
> export HBASE_CONF_DIR=/dir/that/contains/that/file
> Before running the former command.
> Let us know if this helps.
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 9:38 PM, Christoph Bauer
> <christoph.ba...@unbelievable-machine.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> first, I'm aware of HBASE-4398 though I don't know how that patch could work.
>> I'm on a cdh3u3 cluster with 4 nodes. hbase is 0.90.4.
>> The problem is zookeeper is running on port 2222
>> The following line results in a NPE when the mappers start:
>> TableMapReduceUtil.initTableReducerJob("test2",
>> IdentityTableReducer.class, job, HRegionPartitioner.class);
>> HBaseConfiguration.addHbaseResources in HRegionPartitioner.setConf
>> overwrites quorum and clientPort with hbase-default.xml from hbase
>> jar, maybe more.
>> HBaseConfiguration.addHbaseResources also tries to load
>> hbase-site.xml, but fails silently (not found as resource).
>> Can I make my mapreduce jobs aware of this resource. i.e. pass it to
>> all the mappers or do I have to ask my administrator to make some
>> changes?
>> Thank you,
>> Christoph Bauer
> --
> Harsh J

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