Let me know if Get is giving you any result with the row you specified..
try to get the value using that row key is that giving you any value??

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:25 AM, Mahesh Balija

> Hi,
>    Here are the steps I am doing to use deleteall,
>         1) get 'table_name', "0\x09
>         2) deleteall 'table_name', "0\x091038497092"
>             0 row(s) in 0.0280 seconds1038497092"
>         2) get 'table_name', "0\x091038497092"
>  cf1:text timestamp=20091111163330,
> value=20091111081259
>  cf2:name timestamp=20091111163330,
> value=20091111081700
>               i.e., even my deleteall command went thru without any issues
> the record is not been deleted.
>               But if I use delete command on each column separately then
> it is removing the record.
> Thanks,
> Mahesh.B.
> On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:28 PM, Jean-Daniel Cryans <jdcry...@apache.org
> >wrote:
> > Please don't cross-post, your question is about HBase not MapReduce
> > itself so I put mapreduce-user@ in BCC.
> >
> > 0.20.3 is, relatively to the age of the project, as old as my
> > grand-mother so you should consider upgrading to 0.90 or 0.92 which
> > are both pretty stable.
> >
> > I'm curious about the shell's behavior you are encountering. Would it
> > be possible for you to show us the exact trace of what you are doing
> > in the shell?
> >
> > To be clear, here's what I'd like to see
> >
> > - A get of the row you want to delete. Feel free to zero out the values.
> > - A deleteall of that row.
> > - Another get of that row.
> > - A delete of a column (that should work according to your email).
> > - A last get of that row.
> >
> > Thx,
> >
> > J-D
> >
> > On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Mahesh Balija
> > <balijamahesh....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > >          I am trying to delete the whole row from hbase in my
> production
> > > cluster in two ways,
> > >            1) I have written a mapreduce program to remove many rows
> > which
> > > satisfy certain condition to do that,
> > >                 The key is the hbase row key only, and the value is
> > > Delete, I am initializing the delete object with the Key.
> > >                  Delete delete = new Delete(key.get());
> > >                    context.write(key, delete);
> > >             2) From the command line I am trying to delete the selected
> > > record using deleteall command,
> > >
> > >            Both of the are not working, i.e., none of the records are
> > > being deleted from the hbase, but if I separately delete the
> independent
> > > columns thru command line then the record is being deleted if I remove
> > all
> > > the individual columns. My hbase version is, hbase-0.20.3 and my hadoop
> > > version is 0.20.2
> > >
> > >          Please suggest me whether I am doing anything wrong or is this
> > > know weird behavior of the hbase?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Mahesh.B.
> >


Shashwat Shriparv

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