
I'm a newbie and wondering whether or not there is any restriction during
HBase minor/major compactions. I read the online document but could not
find any explicit mention about restrictions. What I'm mostly worrying
about is whether read/write operations are blocked during compactions.

The description about 'hbase.hstore.blockingWaitTime':

The time an HRegion will block updates for after hitting the StoreFile
limit defined by hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles. After this time has
elapsed, the HRegion will stop blocking updates even if a compaction has
not been completed. Default: 90 seconds.

implies that updates are blocked during compactions, but at the same time
it says that there are cases where blocking updates is stopped even if a
compaction has not been completed. However, does it mean that the
compaction is aborted or that the compaction continues and updates are
performed successfully? And if the latter case is true, what is the reason
to block updates during compactions? I'm confused.

If duration of major compactions were short enough, synchronous blocking
would be acceptable. But I saw some comments saying major compactions took
hours, and if it is true and if updates need be blocked during compactions,
I would be at a loss on how to configure HBase to assure that updates can
be done anytime.

Could you give me some insights about this, please?

Best Regards,
Takahiko Kawasaki

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