I think a similar concept would be a great idea.  It would definitely
prevent the type of issue that you mentioned.  I think that if it was done
in a similar way to how it is handled for hadoop, where you can specify a
list, but if you don't, you get autoadd, should keep everyone happy.


On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 8:30 PM, Norbert Burger <norbert.bur...@gmail.com>wrote:

> We had a situation earlier today in our PROD cluster where a test machine
> was accidentally configured with our PROD cluster config.  On startup, the
> HMaster promptly accepted the RS into the fold, and started re-assigning
> regions to it.  The mass migration caused write latencies to increase, and
> it eventually took an HMaster restart to bring things back to normal.
> DFS has the dfs.hosts conf setting, which dictates which datanodes are
> allowed to join.  In our setup, we're managing dfs.hosts via configuration
> management.  From what I can tell looking through
> hbase/master/ServerManager.java, there is no equivalent setting on the
> HBase side.  Do folks already rely on this auto-add feature, or would it be
> helpful if there was a similar stop-gap config param for regionservers?
> Norbert

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