Jack, you can use filters on Get's too.. 

On Fri 25 May, 2012 5:36 AM IST jack chrispoo wrote:

>I'm new to HBase and I have a question about using filters. I know that I
>can use filters with scan, say scan start-key=key1 & end-key=key2 and with
>a SingleColumnValueFilter: columnA=valueA. But in my java program I need to
>do filtering on a set of rows which are not contiguous, my client needs to
>get all rows with rowid in a set<String> and with columnA=valueA. I don't
>know how this can be done efficiently. I can imagine that I can do a scan
>of the entire table and set filers rowid=... and columnA=valueA; or I can
>use get function to get the rows with rowid in my set all to my client and
>do the filtering on my client side. But I think neither way is efficient.
>Can anyone give me a hint on this?

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