On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 8:19 PM, Taylor, Ronald C <ronald.tay...@pnnl.gov> wrote: > Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (www.pnl.gov) - Hadoop and HBase > (Cloudera distribution) are being used within PNNL's Computational Biology & > Bioinformatics Group for a systems biology data warehouse project that > integrates high throughput proteomics and transcriptomics data sets coming > from instruments in the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a US > Department of Energy national user facility located at PNNL. The data sets > are being merged and annotated with other public genomics information in the > data warehouse environment, with Hadoop analysis programs operating on the > annotated data in the HBase tables. This work is hosted by olympus, a large > PNNL institutional computing cluster > (http://www.pnl.gov/news/release.aspx?id=908) , with the HBase tables being > stored in olympus's Lustre file system. >
Thats a cool one. I put it up (I put it in place of the powerset entry -- smile). How's that Lustre hookup work Ronald? You did your own FS implementation for it? Good stuff, Thanks. St.Ack