hi  Suraj
my code is like this
for(int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
ht.commonDao.insert(row, "sl", 3466673706998492l+i+"", "");
for(int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
ht.commonDao.insert(row, "sl", 3466673706998492l+i+"", "");

put the same record twice
when I get 500 records by ColumnPaginationFilter,I just got 250

Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(token));
Filter filter = new ColumnPaginationFilter(limit,start);
Result result = hTable.get(get);

2012/7/19 Suraj Varma <svarma...@gmail.com>

> It's not clear what your question is ... can you provide your hbase
> shell session or code snippet that shows the below scenario?
> --S
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 8:01 PM, deanforwever2010
> <deanforwever2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > it only happened when i put same data twice more in the column
> > any ideas?
> >
> > 2012/7/13 deanforwever2010 <deanforwever2...@gmail.com>
> >
> >> in hbase 0.94
> >> if I put columns into a row,the first time I get the limit columns
> >> but I put columns again, I got half of the columns
> >>
> >> I print get's maxversion ,it is 1
> >>
> >> anyone can help me?
> >>

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