Bulk load using
ImportTsv with pre-splitted regions for target table?

Do u mean to set number of reducers that ImportTsv must use?

On 8/7/12, Ioakim Perros <imper...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI,
> I am bulk importing (updating) data iteratively and I would like to be
> able to set the number of reducers at a M/R task, to be different from
> the number of regions of the table to which I am updating data.
> I tried it through job.setNumReduceTasks(#reducers), but the job ignored
> it.
> Is there a way to avoid an intermediary job and to set the number of
> reducers explicitly ?
> I would be grateful if anyone could shed a light to this.
> Thanks and regards,
> Ioakim

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