Hi, I'm new to HBase.
I'm working with Hadoop-1.0.3 and HBase 0.92.1.
I have 8 data nodes which also work as region servers.
And I'm trying to import my data into HBase.
I wrote two programs, one is using HBase client API(auto flush is off,
WAL is on, multi-threaded) and the other is using HBase MR like the
Uploader example.
Row key is a combination of several meaningful fields and a hash in
the end, about 40 bytes or so.
Each row is consist of several columns. There is only 2 column
families. Average raw data of a row is less than 200 bytes.
The one using client API is about 10,000 rows written per second,
while the MR one is extremely slow, about 4~5 times slower.
This is measured after a major compaction.
Why the writing speed is so slow? Can someone help me.

language: Chinese, Japanese, English

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