Tnx Stack for giving your time to me.


On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Stack <> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 10:31 PM, Farrokh Shahriari
> <> wrote:
> > .... But it doesn't have any
> > performance,I mean for each row it should encrypt/decrypt the cell,so
> for a
> > query that has a lot of rows ,it will take a long time.
> How else would you see it working? (We can't do a row at a time given
> our architecture)
> > my question is this,why hbase doesn't have any option for that ( in hbase
> > shell like compression method ),for example like other relational
> > databases(sqlserver,.. ),is there any reason for that ?
> >
> No reason.  No one has really asked for it in the past, or more
> importantly, no one has posted a patch that provides it.
> St.Ack

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