Hello Bai Shen,

    It is not a compulsion to run ZK on the same machine where NN is
running. You can run it anywhere and if this is the case you have to
specify the location of you ZK node through the "hbase-site.xml" file.
Infact, in real world scenarios people create a separate ZK cluster and
avoid running ZK along with NN on the same machine.

A possible reason of your problem could be that your RS is not able to find
the location of your ZK node. Make sure you have done the configuration

    Mohammad Tariq

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 7:37 PM, Bai Shen <baishen.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm setting up HBase using CDH4.
> https://ccp.cloudera.com/display/CDH4DOC/HBase+Installation#HBaseInstallation-DeployingHBaseinaDistributedCluster
> I installed Zookeeper on my namenode, which is also my HBase master.
> hbase-master now starts and runs.  My understanding from the above guide is
> that I only need the one Zookeeper node running on the namenode.  However,
> my region servers aren't seeing the Zookeeper server.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks.

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