> You didn't say which HBase version. I'm assuming 0.94.

HBase 0.94.1 and higher.

Looks very simple from the region server side, thanks for the tip.

As for the client invoking the endpoint based coprocessor, I would like to 
initially set these values so that the region servers would decrement them on 
each finished invocation (until the values are less than zero, which signals 
them to return nothing, and finish).

I could do this through an HConnection instance, but 
HConnection.getZooKeeperWatcher() is deprecated since 0.94.x.  From the 
comments it seems like ZooKeeper is now supposed to be completely hidden from 
view from the HBase client.

This gets me closer to a second option.  I could also store the shared state in 
another HBase table (specifically for this task), and use 
HTable.incrementColumnValue.  Once the operation is done, I could just delete 
the 'session' row from the client side.

From: Andrew Purtell [apurt...@apache.org]
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:19 PM
To: user@hbase.apache.org
Subject: Re: Coprocessors and Zookeeper sessions

You didn't say which HBase version. I'm assuming 0.94.

When registered on a region, your endpoint will get an environment as
RegionCoprocessorEnvironment. See in
o.a.h.h.coprocessor.MultiRowMutationEndpoint an example of how an endpoint
can get the region coprocessor environment, like so:

    RegionCoprocessorEnvironment env = (RegionCoprocessorEnvironment)

You can the get to ZooKeeper via:

   ZooKeeperWatcher watcher = env.getRegionServerServices().getZooKeeper();
   RecoverableZooKeeper zk = watcher.getRecoverableZooKeeper();
   ZooKeeper rawZK = zk.getZooKeeper();

Or thereabouts, pardon any typos. The 'zk' object gives you the ZK API with
HBase's enhancements for retrying idempotent operations. The 'rawZK' object
is the unadorned ZK ZooKeeper instance.

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Aaron Tokhy <aaron.to...@gcecloud.com>wrote:

> Hello HBase users,
> I would like to store some shared state on every coprocessor invocation
> (throwing away the values when the coprocessor is finished running).  Is
> there a way to grab a handle of the regionserver's zookeeper session
> through a endpoint based coprocessor to rely on the said state?  I just
> want to store 2 atomic long values used by the coprocessors to tell them to
> finish running.
> -Thanks
> Aaron Tokhy

Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
(via Tom White)

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