Is your data all in the blockcache, otherwise you might have run into 
HBASE-7336 ( 0.94.4.
I assume you have enough handlers, etc. (i.e. does the same happen if issue 
multiple scan request across different region of the same region server?)

-- Lars

 From: James Taylor <>
To: HBase User <> 
Sent: Friday, February 8, 2013 5:49 PM
Subject: independent scans to same region processed serially
Wanted to check with folks and see if they've seen an issue around this before 
digging in deeper. I'm on 0.94.2. If I execute in parallel multiple scans to 
different parts of the same region, they appear to be processed serially. It's 
actually faster from the client side to execute a single serial scan than it is 
to execute multiple parallel scans to different segments of the region. I do 
have region observer coprocessors for the table I'm scanning, but my code is 
not doing any synchronization.

Is there a known limitation in this area? Anyone else see anything similar?


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