Ideally the ROOT table should be reassigned once the RS carrying ROOT goes
down.  This should happen automatically.

May be what does your logs say.  That would give us an insight.

Before that if you can restart your master it may solve this problem.  Even
then if it persists try to delete the zk data and restart the cluster.


On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Lu, Wei <> wrote:

> Hi, all,
> When I scan any table, I got:
> 13/02/20 05:16:45 INFO ipc.HBaseRPC: Server at Rs1/ not 
> be reached after 1 tries, giving up.
> ...
> ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RetriesExhaustedException: Failed
> after attempts=7, exceptions:
> ...
> What I observe:
> 1)      -ROOT- table is on Region Server rs1
> Table Regions
> Name        Region Server           Start Key         End Key
> Requests
> -ROOT-      Rs1:60020               -                                   -
> 2)      But the region server rs1 is dead
> Dead Region Servers
>                   ServerName
>                   Rs4,60020,1361109702535
>                   Rs1,60020,1361109710150
> Total:            servers: 2
> ----
> Does it mean that the region server holding the -ROOT- table is dead, but
> the -ROOT- region is not reassigned to any other region servers?
> Why?
> By the way, the hbase version I am using is 0.92.1-cdh4.0.1
> Thanks,
> Wei

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