Can you tell us the version of HBase you are using ?

Gary did some cleanup in:

r1439723 | garyh | 2013-01-28 16:50:02 -0800 (Mon, 28 Jan 2013) | 1 line

HBASE-7626 Backport client connection cleanup from HBASE-7460

This is the current code in getConnection() in 0.94 branch:
    ConnectionId remoteId = new ConnectionId(addr, protocol, ticket,
    synchronized (connections) {
      connection = connections.get(remoteId);
      if (connection == null) {
        connection = createConnection(remoteId);
        connections.put(remoteId, connection);

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Jeff Whiting <> wrote:

> After noticing a lot of threads, I turned on debugging logging for hbase
> client and saw this many times counting up constantly:
> HBaseClient:531 - IPC Client (687163870) connection to
> / jeff: starting, having connections 1364
> At that point in my code it was up to 1364 different connections (and
> threads).  Those connections will eventually drop off after the idle time
> is reached "conf.getInt("hbase.ipc.client.connection.maxidletime", 10000)".
> But during periods of activity the number of threads can get very high.
> Additionally I was able to confirm the large number of threads by doing:
> jstack <pid> | grep IPC
> So I started digging around in the code...
> In HBaseClient.getConnection it attempts to reuse previous connections:
>  ConnectionId remoteId = new ConnectionId(addr, protocol, ticket,
> rpcTimeout);
>     do {
>       synchronized (connections) {
>         connection = connections.get(remoteId);
>         if (connection == null) {
>           LOG.error("poolsize: "+getPoolSize(conf));
>           connection = new Connection(remoteId);
>           connections.put(remoteId, connection);
>         }
>       }
>     } while (!connection.addCall(call));
> It does this by using the connection id as the key to the pool. All of this
> seems good except ConnectionId never hashes to the same value so it cannot
> reuse any connection.
> From my understanding of the code here is why.
> In HBaseClient.ConnectionId
>     @Override
>     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
>      if (obj instanceof ConnectionId) {
>        ConnectionId id = (ConnectionId) obj;
>        return address.equals(id.address) && protocol == id.protocol &&
>               ((ticket != null && ticket.equals(id.ticket)) ||
>                (ticket == id.ticket)) && rpcTimeout == id.rpcTimeout;
>      }
>      return false;
>     }
>     @Override  // simply use the default Object#hashcode() ?
>     public int hashCode() {
>       return (address.hashCode() + PRIME * (
>                   PRIME * System.identityHashCode(protocol) ^
>              (ticket == null ? 0 : ticket.hashCode()) )) ^ rpcTimeout;
>     }
> It uses the protocol and the ticket in the both functions.  However going
> back through all of the layers I think I found the problem.
> Problem:
>  public static VersionedProtocol getProxy(Class<? extends
> VersionedProtocol> protocol,
>       long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf,
>       SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout) throws IOException {
>     return getProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr,
>         User.getCurrent(), conf, factory, rpcTimeout);
>   }
> User.getCurrent() always returns a new User object.  That user instance is
> eventually passed down to ConnectionId.  However the User object doesn't
> implement hash() or equals() so one ConnectionId won't ever match another
> ConnectionId.
> There are several possible solutions.
> 1. implement hashCode and equals for the User.
> 2. only create one User object and reuse it.
> 3. don't look at ticket in ConnectionId (probably a bad idea)
> Thoughts?  Has anyone else noticed this behavior?  Should I open up a jira
> issue?
> I originally ran into the problem due to OS X having a limited number of
> threads per user (and I was not able to increase the limit) and our unit
> tests making requests quick enough that I ran out of threads.  I tried out
> all three solutions and it worked fine for my application.  However I'm not
> sure what changing the behavior would do to other's applications especially
> those that use SecureHadoop.
> Thanks,
> ~Jeff
> --
> Jeff Whiting
> Qualtrics Senior Software Engineer

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