Hmm... That's not good. Would you mind filing a ticket here: ?

-- Lars

 From: "Buckley,Ron" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 6:57 AM
Subject: HBase Region Server Spinning on JMX requests

This is with HBase 0.94.4 & CDH 4.1.1

This morning one our region servers (we have 44) stopped responding to
the '/jmx' request. (It's working for regular activity.)  Additionally,
the region server is now using all the CPU on the host, running all 8
cores at 100%.

I've got several jstacks, they all look like this:

If I do a wget of the /jmx url, it starts responding, but never
completes, always stopping at the same point:

Has anyone ever seen this before? If so, Is there a way out of it?
(other than bouncing the region server).

BTW: There's nothing relevant in the region server log and the garbage
collector log is normal.

Ron Buckley

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