Hi Yves,

Which version of HBase are you trying with? It should be working with Java 1.7.

To start HBase, are you trying "bin/start-hbase.sh start" as you said
below? On only "bin/start-hbase.sh"? The later is the correct one
while the former as an extra "start" not required at the end.


2013/4/25 Yves S. Garret <yoursurrogate...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I'm having an issue with getting HBase to run.  I'm following this tutorial:
> http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#start_hbase
> When I run that command [ bin/start-hbase.sh start ], nothing happens.  At
> all.
> My question is why.  I have Java 1.7 on this machine, do I _need_ to get
> 1.6?

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