You might want to have a look at Phoenix 
(, which does that and more, and gives a 
SQL/JDBC interface.

-- Lars

 From: Sudarshan Kadambi (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN) <>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:44 PM
Subject: Coprocessors


This is my first post on the HBase user mailing list. 

I have the following scenario:
I've a HBase table of upto a billion keys. I'm looking to support an 
application where on some user action, I'd need to fetch multiple columns for 
upto 250K keys and do some sort of aggregation on it. Fetching all that data 
and doing the aggregation in my application takes about a minute.

I'm looking to co-locate the aggregation logic with the region servers to
a. Distribute the aggregation
b. Avoid having to fetch large amounts of data over the network (this could 
potentially be cross-datacenter)

Neither observers nor aggregation endpoints work for this use case. Observers 
don't return data back to the client while aggregation endpoints work in the 
context of scans not a multi-get (Are these correct assumptions?).

I'm looking to write a service that runs alongside the region servers and acts 
a proxy b/w my application and the region servers. 

I plan to use the logic in HBase client's HConnectionManager, to segment my 
request of 1M rowkeys into sub-requests per region-server. These are sent over 
to the proxy which fetches the data from the region server, aggregates locally 
and sends data back. Does this sound reasonable or even a useful thing to 


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