bq. the setting is per regionserver (as the name suggests) and not per
region right ?

That is correct.

Can you give us more information about your cluster size, workload, etc ?


On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 4:30 AM, Viral Bajaria <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been trying to play around with the regionserver handler count. What
> I noticed was, the cluster comes up fine up to a certain point, ~7500
> regionserver handler counts. But above that the system refuses to start up.
> They keep on spinning for a certain point. The ROOT region keeps on
> bouncing around different states but never stabilizes.
> So the first question, what's the max that folks on the list have gone with
> this settings ? If anyone has gone above 10,000 have you done any special
> settings ?
> Secondly, the setting is per regionserver (as the name suggests) and not
> per region right ?
> Following are my versions:
> HBase 0.94.5
> Hadoop 1.0.4
> Ubuntu 12.04
> Let me know if you need any more information from my side.
> Thanks,
> Viral

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