Hello JM,

   You might find these post by Lars useful :

I'm not sure whether this is exactly what you need, but I feel you could
use something like this to achieve your goal.


Warm Regards,

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 3:53 AM, Jean-Marc Spaggiari <jean-m...@spaggiari.org
> wrote:

> Hi,
> When we are doing an export, we are only exporting the data. Then when
> we are importing that back, we need to make sure the table is
> pre-splitted correctly else we might hotspot some servers.
> If you simply export then import without pre-splitting at all, you
> will most probably brought some servers down because they will be
> overwhelmed with splits and compactions.
> Do we have any tool to pre-split a table the same way another table is
> already pre-splitted?
> Something like
> > duplicate 'source_table', 'target_table'
> Which will create a new table called 'target_table' with exactly the
> same parameters as 'source_table' and the same regions boundaries?
> If we don't have, will it be useful to have one?
> Or event something like:
> > create 'target_table', 'f1', {SPLITS_MODEL => 'source_table'}
> JM

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