Seems like a part of it was cut off.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Jay Vyas <> wrote:

> Here's my config.  This is for a different file system so it might provide
> some insight compared with the examples online (
> You need the fully qualified name for the hbase.rootdir.
> <property>
>                                 <name>hbase.master</name>
>                                 <value>hbase-master:60000</value>
>                                 <description>The host and port that the
> HBase master runs at.
>                                                      A value of 'local'
> runs the master and a regionserver
>                                                      in a single process.
>                                 </description>
>                 </property>
>                 <property>
>                                 <name>hbase.rootdir</name>
> <value>glusterfs://hbase-master:9000/hbase</value>
>                                 <description>The directory shared by region
> servers.</description>
>                 </property>
>                 <property>
>                                 <name>hbase.cluster.distributed</name>
>                                 <value>true</value>
>                                 <description>The mode the cluster will be
> in. Possible values are
>                                 false: standalone and pseudo-distributed
> setups with managed
>                                 Zookeeper true: fully-distributed with
> unmanaged Zookeeper
>                                 Quorum (see
>                                 </description>
>                 </property>
>                 <property>
> <name></name>
>                                 <value>2222</value>
>                 <description>Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg.
>                                 The port at which the clients will connect.
>                                 </description>
>                 </property>
>         <property>
>             <name>zookeeper.znode.parent</name>
>             <value>/hbase-master</value>
>         </property>

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