Boris if your working set does not fit comfortably into 0.4 * 9 * 12GB ~ 43GB 
HBase cluster block cache ( and I suppose
it does not, because it is less than 1% of your data set  ) - you will be 
depended on your local data nodes  (OS page cache + raw disk I/O) performance.
Your maximum raw I/O is approx 150  (one HDD) * 2 (per HDDsnodes) * 9 (DN #) = 
2700 IOPS - this is what you can get in theory. You are getting 800-1000
- which is not bad taking into account that short circuit reads are probably 
disabled and even not supported in your release.

1. Upgrade to the latest CDH 4.3 if possible
2. Enable short circuit reads in DNs
3. Increase number of nodes (and decrease data set size per node)
4. Increase number of disks per node
5. Increase RS heap memory and allocate more for block caches.
6. major compact critical tables to ensure RS data locality

You need to fit your working set into OS page cache  (or into block cache) to 
get decent random IO performance

Best regards,
Vladimir Rodionov
Principal Platform Engineer
Carrier IQ,

From: Ted Yu []
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 5:49 AM
Subject: Re: Hbase random read performance

Moving to HBase user mailing list.

Can you upgrade to newer release such as 0.94.8 ?


On Jul 8, 2013, at 4:36 AM, Boris Emelyanov <> wrote:

> I'm trying to configure hbase for fully random read performance, my cluster 
> parameters are:
> 9 servers as slaves, each has two 1TB HDD as hadoop volumes;
> data:  800 millions 6-10 KB objects in hbase;
> HBase Version - 0.90.6-cdh3u5
> hfile.block.cache.size = 0.4
> hfile.min.blocksize.size = 16384
> hbase.regionserver.handler.count = 100
> I used several recommended tuning solutions, such as
> * tunrning on bloom filters;
> * decreasing hbase block size to 16384.
> However, read performance is still poor, about 800-1000rps.
> What would you recommend to solve the problem?
> --
> Best regards,
> Boris.

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