for an application still running on Hbase 0.90.4 (but moving to 0.94.6)
we are thinking about using more efficient composite row keys compared
what we use today (fixed length strings with "/" separator).
I ran into http://hbase.apache.org/book/rowkey.design.html claiming that
short keys (as well as short column names) are relevant also when using
compression (as there is no compression in caches/indices). Is that also
true in 0.94.x?
If so, is there some support for efficient, correctly ordered, byte[]
serialized composite row keys? I ran into HBASE-7221
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-7221> and HBASE-7692.
For some time it seemed Orderly (https://github.com/ndimiduk/orderly)
was suggested but then abandoned again in favor of ... nothing really.
So, in short, do you have any favorite / suggested implementation?