Anything in your logs that might give you a clue?  Master logs?  HDFS
NameNode logs?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 7:53 AM, kiran <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We have been experiencing severe data loss issues from few hours. There are
> some wierd things going on in the cluster. We were unable to locate the
> data even in hdfs
> Hbase version 0.94.1
> Here is the wierd things that are going on:
> 1) Table which was once 1TB has now become 170GB with many of the regions
> which we once 7gb are now becoming few MB's. We are no clue  what is
> happening at all
> 2) Table is splitting (or what ever) (100 regions have become 200 regions)
> and ours is constantregionsplitpolicy with region size 20gb. I don't know
> why it is even spltting
> 3) HDFS namenode dump size which we periodically backup is decreasing
> 4) And there is a region chain with start keys and end keys as, I can't
> copy paste the exact thing. For example
>,138798010000.xyp K4.xyq
> I have never seen a wierd start key and end key like this. We also suspect
> a failed split of a region around 20GB. We looked at logs many times but
> unable to get any sense out of it. Please help us out and we can't afford
> data loss.
> Yesterday, There was an cluster crash of root region but we thought we
> sucessfully restored that.But things did n't go that way.... There was a
> consitent data loss after that.
> --
> Thank you
> Kiran Sarvabhotla
> -----Even a correct decision is wrong when it is taken late

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