Hi Rahul ,  you may set hbase.server.thread.wakefrequency.multiplier to a
small number, default 1000. So the CompactionChecker will run more often.

2014-04-04 11:42 GMT+08:00 Rahul Ravindran <rahu...@yahoo.com>:

> Hi,
>   We are currently on 0.94.2(CDH 4.2.1) and would likely upgrade to
> 0.94.15 (CDH 4.6) primarily to use the above fix. We have turned off
> automatic major compactions. We load data into an hbase table every 2
> minutes. Currently, we are not using bulk load since it created compaction
> issues. We noticed HBASE-8283 and could move to use this. Any gotchas on
> using this in production? Since, we could create a new HFile every 2
> minutes, we would soon have a scenario where we would have a lot of hfiles.
> Would triggering a non major-compaction (using
> https://hbase.apache.org/0.94/apidocs/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/HBaseAdmin.html#compact(byte[]))
> periodically be a reasonable compromise along with enabling Hbase-8283
> Thanks,
> ~Rahul.

*Best Regards,*
 lijin bin

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