/hbase/table94 is a "compatibility" znode that replaces /hbase/table
if you want more details take a look at HBASE-6710.

what is the problem of looking into /hbase/table94 instead of /hbase/table?


On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:18 AM, yeshwanth kumar <yeshwant...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> i am running webapp written on jaxrs framework which performs CRUD
> opereations on hbase.
> app was working fine till last week,
> now when i perform reading opeartion  from hbase i don't see any data, i
> don't see any errors or exceptions but i found this lines in the log
> *""Unable to get data of znode /hbase/table/myTable because node does not
> exist (not an error)"".*
> i followed this<
> https://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2013/10/what-are-hbase-znodes/>
> cloudera
> article about znodes and this is what i found,
> *$[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 14] ls /hbase*
> *[splitlog, online-snapshot, unassigned, table94, root-region-server, rs,
> backup-masters, table, draining, master, shutdown, hbaseid]*
> all the tables were present in /hbase/table94, where as /hbase/table is
> empty.
> i know what is the problem now,
> but i don't know how to solve it.
> can someone help me with this issue.
> Thanks,
> Yeshwanth

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