
I am trying to write a chained MapReduce job on data present in HBase
tables and need some help with the concept. I am not expecting people to
provide code by pseudo code for this based on HBase's Java API would be

In a nutshell, what I am trying to do is,

MapReduce Job 1: Read data from two tables with no common row keys and
create a summary out of them in the reducer. The output of the reducer is a
Java Object containing the summary which has been serialized to byte code.
I store this object in a temporary table in HBase.

MapReduce Job 2: This is where I am having problems. I now need to read
this summary object such that it is available in each mapper so that when I
read data from a third (different) table, I can use this summary object to
perform more calculations on the data I am reading from the third table.

I read about distributed cache and tried to implement it, but that doesn't
seem to work out. I can provide more details in the form of edits if the
need arises because I don't want to spam this question, right now, with
details which might be irrelevant.

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