I guess you also may need to set the zookeeper client port, on your hbase-site:


On 9 Jul 2014, at 14:18, Cosmin Cătălin Sanda <cosmincata...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a Hadoop cluster made of 3 slaves and 1 master on top of which
> there is an HBase cluster with 3 RS and 1 master respectively.
> Additionally there is a Zookeeper ensemble on 3 machines.
> The Hadoop cluster is functioning correctly as well as the Zookeeper
> ensemble. However, the HBase cluster fails to initialize correctly.
> I start HBase it by running ./bin/start-hbase.sh. This correctly
> starts the HBase Master and the Region Servers. The hbase folder in
> hdfs is set-up correctly.
> jps on master
> hduser@master:~/hbase$ jps
> 5694 HMaster
> 3934 JobHistoryServer
> 3786 NameNode
> 3873 ResourceManager
> 6025 Jps
> jps on slaves
> 5737 Jps
> 5499 HRegionServer
> 3736 DataNode
> 3820 NodeManager
> However, the HBase master does not register the Region Servers as it
> is also apparent from looking at the logs:
> master log
> [master:master:60000] master.ServerManager: Waiting for region servers
> count to settle; currently checked in 0, slept for 1511 ms, expecting
> minimum of 1, maximum of 2147483647, timeout of 4500 ms, interval of
> 1500 ms.
> slave log
> [regionserver60020] regionserver.HRegionServer: reportForDuty to
> master=master,60000,1404856451890 with port=60020,
> startcode=1404856453874
> [regionserver60020] regionserver.HRegionServer: error telling master we are up
> com.google.protobuf.ServiceException:
> org.apache.hadoop.net.ConnectTimeoutException: 20000 millis timeout
> while waiting for channel to be ready for connect. ch :
> java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connection-pending
> local=/ remote=master/]
> Here are the configuration details:
> /etc/hosts on master
>   slave-3 # Data Node and Region Server
>   master # Name Node and HBase Master
>   zookeeper-3 # Zookeeper node
>   zookeeper-1 # Zookeeper node
>   zookeeper-2 # Zookeeper node
>   slave-2 # Data Node and Region Server
>   slave-1 # Data Node and Region Server
> /etc/hosts on slave-1
>   master
>   zookeeper-3
>   zookeeper-1
>   zookeeper-2
> hbase-site.xml on ALL cluster nodes
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
> <configuration>
>    <property>
>        <name>hbase.tmp.dir</name>
>        <value>/home/hduser/hbase/tmp</value>
>    </property>
>    <property>
>        <name>hbase.rootdir</name>
>        <value>hdfs://master/hbase</value>
>    </property>
>    <property>
>        <name>hbase.cluster.distributed</name>
>        <value>true</value>
>    </property>
>    <property>
>        <name>hbase.local.dir</name>
>        <value>/home/hduser/hbase/local</value>
>    </property>
>    <property>
>        <name>hbase.master.info.port</name>
>        <value>6010</value>
>    </property>
>    <property>
>        <name>hbase.zookeeper.quorum</name>
>        <value>zookeeper-1,zookeeper-2,zookeeper-3,</value>
>    </property>
> </configuration>
> regionservers file on master and slaves
> slave-3
> slave-1
> slave-2
> hbase-env.sh on master and slaves
> export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/javac | sed "s:/bin/javac::"
> export HBASE_OPTS="-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
> export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false
> What am I doing wrong so that the nodes cannot talk to each other?
> I am using Hadoop 2.4.0 and HBase 0.98.3 along with Zookeeper 3.4.6 on
> Ubuntu Trusty Tahr x64.

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