
I am trying to write a customized rebalancing algorithm. I would like to
run the rebalancer every 30 minutes inside a single thread. I would also
like to completely disable Helix triggering the rebalancer.

I have a few questions:
1) What's the best way to run the custom controller ? Can I simply
instantiate a ZKHelixAdmin object and then keep running my rebalancer
inside a thread or do I need to do something more.

Apart from rebalancing, I want to do other things inside the the
controller, so it would be nice if I could simply fire up the controller
through code. I could not find this in the documentation.

2) Same question for the Helix agent. My Helix Agent is a JVM process which
does other things apart from exposing the callbacks for state transitions.
Is there a code sample for the same ?

3) How do I disable Helix triggered rebalancing once I am able to run the
custom controller ?

4) During my custom rebalance run, how I can get the current cluster state
- is it through ClusterDataCache.getIdealState() ?

5) For clients talking to the cluster, does helix provide an easy
abstraction to find the partition distribution for a helix resource ?


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