Could you explain a bit more of why you don't want a memstore? I can't see
why it is harmful. Sorry to be dense.
On Aug 3, 2014 11:24 AM, "Ozhan Gulen" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> In our hbase cluster memstore flush size is 128 mb. And to insert data to
> tables, we only use bulk load tool. Since bulk loading bypasses memstores,
> they are never used, so we want to minimize memstore flush size. But
> memstore flush size is used in many important calculations in hbase such
> that;
> region split size = Min (R^2 * “hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size”,
> “hbase.hregion.max.filesize”)
> So setting memstore value smaller or "0" for example,  results in some
> other problems.
> What do you suggest us in that case. Setting memstore size to 128 holds
> some memory for tens of regions in region server and we want to get rid of
> it.
> Thanks a lot.
> ozhan

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