
I have a situation that both Get.addColumn() and Get.setFilter(new
ColumnRangeFilter(…)) needed to Get.

The source code snippet is as follows:

        Get g = new Get(getRowKey(lfileId));

        g.addColumn(Schema.ColumnFamilyNameBytes, MetaColumnNameBytes);

        g.setFilter(new ColumnRangeFilter(Bytes.toBytes(name), false,

            Bytes.toBytes(name + "~"), false));

        Result r = table.get(g);

        if (r.isEmpty())

            throw new FileNotFoundException(

                String.format("%d:%d:%s", projectId, lfileId, name));

When g.addColumn() is commented out, the Result is not empty, while with
g.addColumn the Result is empty(FileNotFoundException is thrown).

Is it illegal to use both methods?

BTW, ther version of HBase used is 0.98. (Hortonworks HDP 2.1)


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