With about 100 issues beyond the 1.0.x line [0], I think it's time to start
talking about our 1.1.0 release. Noteworthy goodness already committed to
the branch includes:

 - Async RPC client (HBASE-12684)
 - Improved compaction controls (HBASE-8329, HBASE-12859)
 - Per-column family flush (HBASE-10201)
 - WAL on SSD (HBASE-12848)
 - Tons of region replica enhancements around META, WAL, and bulk loading
(HBASE-11574, HBASE-11568, HBASE-11571, HBASE-11567)

There's also talk of porting over the MOB goodness (HBASE-11339), simple
RPC throttling (HBASE-11598), and bits from the new procedure bus
(HBASE-12439). Remember, this is a "minor release" [1] according to our
newly adopted semantic versioning guide [2], which means if you want new
features in, you've got to speak up now or wait for 1.2.

So timeline. Given HBaseCon [3] is right around the corner, I'd love to see
the 1.1.0 bits on every attendee's laptops and fobs. To make that happen, I
figure we'll need to start voting on RC's around April 24, give me time to
work out this whole RM thing and give you time to test 'em! Working back
from there, we should have the major feature landed and the release branch
cut on or around April 15. Are you up for this schedule?

For anyone who's bored, there's a couple unresolved blockers for this
release. I'll also take your help in monitoring the jenkins builds against

Thanks for your help in making this next release another great one!


[0]: http://s.apache.org/hbase-1.1-issues
[1]: http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#hbase.versioning.post10
[2]: http://semver.org/
[3]: http://hbasecon.com/

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