
So if you don’t need to know if your table is bucketed or not. 
You just put()  or get()/scan() like it any other table. 

> On Apr 30, 2015, at 3:00 PM, Andrew Mains <andrew.ma...@kontagent.com> wrote:
> Thanks all again for the replies--this is a very interesting discussion :).
> @Michael HBASE-12853 is definitely an interesting proposition for our 
> (Upsight's) use case--we've done a moderate amount of work to make our reads 
> over the bucketed table efficient using hive. In particular, we added support 
> for predicate pushdown to multiple scans, which allows us to read only a 
> specific range within each bucket--see HIVE-7805. If I understand correctly, 
> with HBASE-12853 we could make that pushdown work transparently--that is, the 
> client code could just push down a single scan, which would then be fanned 
> out to each bucket. It would certainly make our code somewhat cleaner (we 
> currently create a scan with our predicate for each bucket, and then push all 
> of those to MultiTableInputFormat).
> Best,
> Andrew
> On 4/30/15 12:36 PM, Michael Segel wrote:
>> The downside
>> >>here is that you will lose your ability to perform range scans

The opinions expressed here are mine, while they may reflect a cognitive 
thought, that is purely accidental. 
Use at your own risk. 
Michael Segel
michael_segel (AT) hotmail.com

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