Can you take jstack of the region server next time this happens ?

Btw please consider upgrading. 
0.96.x is too old. 

> On Aug 3, 2015, at 5:18 AM, Chang Chen <> wrote:
> Hi All
> We use HBase, and find a very strange issue which looks
> like CompactSplitThread is waiting for something!  The following logs are
> from problematic RegionServer:
> 2015-07-29 10:15:39,702 INFO
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.CompactSplitThread: Completed
> compaction: Request =
> regionName=realtime_rec,901943112,1426251108696.3a3c8d1c888f98518ce42f94b4033a39.,
> storeName=usr, fileCount=3, fileSize=2.4 M, priority=12,
> time=21663559757818028; duration=0sec
> 2015-07-29 19:37:38,566 INFO
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.CompactSplitThread: Aborted
> compaction: Request =
> regionName=full_user_profile,4U5BN9EUHMZXZA58NX811Q64XRBQMNZF2KH2,1406419093595.e850bec0a113f4fb6c7ed5a136bc630e.,
> storeName=cat, fileCount=3, fileSize=55.2 M (31.6 M, 11.5 M, 12.1 M),
> priority=12, time=21697278778022407; duration=0sec
> Between 10:15 and 19:37, I didn't find any logs generated by
> CompactSplitThread, and we restarted HBase cluster at time of 19:37. The
> waiting of compaction thread made compaction queue size constantly
> increase, and eventually slow down HTable.get
> Our major and minor compaction thread are set to 1, and I guess
> CompactSplitThread may be blocked in selectCompaction, since the aborted
> compaction only spent 0 seconds!
> Is there any clue which can help me to find more information?
> Thanks
> Chang

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