
I'm storing an array of attributes having attributes+index as qualifier
name, my column family name is 'cf' here.

Each row in my HBase table that looks like below.

cf:attribute1 -> 'value apple'
cf:attribute2 -> 'value banana'
cf:attribute{N} -> 'value iphone'
cf:someId1 -> 1111
cf:someOtherQualifier -> 'value e'

While reading data our of HBase I want to scan my table and use an *ValueFilter
*on the cf:attribute* columns for a value (say "apple").

On a match I want the entirerows to be returned.

Below are possible solutions for me

   - Add multiple SingleColumnValue filters for each attribute*. But I
   donot know the no. of items that will be present in attribute* also the
   list might go till 100 so will it affect the scan performance?
   - Store the attributes arraylist as ArrayWritable [1], I'm now sure how
   the scan filter's will work here. If any of you have any experience please
   - Implement my own filter and ship it in all my RS.


Thanks & Regards,

*Mukesh Jha <me.mukesh....@gmail.com>*

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