bq. two regions were in transition

Can you pastebin related server logs w.r.t. these two regions so that we
can have more clue ?

For #2, please see

For #3, please see

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Heng Chen <> wrote:

> The story is I run one MR job on my production cluster (0.98.6),   it needs
> to scan one table during map procedure.
> Because of the heavy load from the job,  all my RS crashed due to OOM.
> After i restart all RS,  i found one problem.
> All regions were reopened on one RS,  and balancer could not run because of
> two regions were in transition.   The cluster got in stuck a long time
> until i restarted master.
> 1.  why this happened?
> 2.  If cluster has a lots of regions, after all RS crash,  how to restart
> the cluster.  If restart RS one by one, it means OOM may happen because one
> RS has to hold all regions and it will cost a long time.
> 3.  Is it possible to make each table with some requests quotas,  it means
> when one table is requested heavily, it has no impact to other tables on
> cluster.
> Thanks

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